When I was first learning about a Personal Learning Network (PLN), I did not understand the concept of a PLN and was confused on how it would benefit me as a future teacher. After exploring several sites and articles I am aware that a PLN is an easy way to communicate using different Web 2.0 tools with other educators around the globe. PLNs can include several different social networking sites such as Twitter, blogs, Diigo, Skype, Facebook and many more. Anyone you interrelate with becomes apart of your PLN, whether it is other educators, or experts within their community. The good thing is that a PLN can be used whenever time is available. There is no specific set schedule and it is all online. Currently, my Personal Learning Network is blogger and Twitter because it allows me to share my opinions and gain more knowledge about education. As a future educator, PLNs will help me connect with other colleagues and share ideas about the grade level being taught.
I was not familiar with Twitter before this class, but I have found it very useful to connect with other students, teachers, and educational speakers. There are several teachers in my network that I am following, as well as my professor. Through #edchat I was able to find educational chats and conferences I could participate in. I like using twitter because it is easy and it provides valuable information for my future career. The people in my network give good advice and ideas that I will be able to use. I participated in #kinderchat on April 4th, 2011 at 5:30pm, which is an educational chat that focused on kindergarten. It was my first chat and I didn’t know what to expect, but I was satisfied with the results. The topic of the chat was about male teachers and how they can be beneficial for students. It is rare to see a male kindergarten teacher, but I believe that the students need a male role model because they are use to having female teachers throughout their years of education. I enjoyed viewing the conversation and the information that was stated.
I have never used Diigo before either and have discovered that it is a great tool to bookmark important websites. I used Diigo for the use of building my network with several educators and motivational speakers. The people I chose for my network stated useful information and provided several other resources that I can use in my future classroom. I tagged several things under PLN relevant to the meaning and tools available. I found websites that showed me how to build my PLN and examples of different Web 2.0 tools obtainable.
I joined the Educator’s PLN which will definitely be beneficial for me as a future educator. It specifically focuses on Personal Learning Networks for educators. There are podcasts, chats, blogs, events and several more available at this site. I watched a video about “Best Practices in Social Networking for Educators”. It was an interview with Eric Sheninger and he is a Principal at New Milford High school in New Jersey. He thought social networking tools such, as Twitter was useless information, but finally took the plunge. He used it as a means to communicate with his stakeholders and realized that there are a group of passionate educators in all different quarters of the world. He was surprised that they were committed to helping him become familiar with Web 2.0 tools and making learning meaningful and relevant.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I have created a graphic organizer through a program called Inspiration. It relates the assignments we have completed in class to the ISTE Standards.
I have created a graphic organizer through a program called Inspiration. It relates the assignments we have completed in class to the ISTE Standards.
Journal 9 NETS I-III & V
Waters, J.K. (2011). Teaching green. t|h|e Journal,38(4), 13-14 Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/04/06/teaching-green.aspx?sc_lang=en
John Waters provides many helpful online tools that educators can use to inform and initiate students about environmental issues. It includes resources for all grade levels and different utilizations of technology. Teachers can use these resources as lessons in the class depending on what grade level they teach. For example there is a website in which the students can take a virtual tour of the woods and discover a variety of plants, animals, and nature. It is helpful for all age groups and especially for those who are visual learners. These resources are very useful and beneficial for students to learn about the environment. There are an abundance of online resources available including quizzes to measure how big your ecological footprint is and 3D games where environmental disasters threaten to destroy the world. It makes it easy for teachers to come up with activities because it is a click away with several resources to choose from. Not only are there resources for the students, but also information about conferences and workshops specifically for teachers at The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Teaching Center. There is everything a teacher needs to know about the environment and how to integrate it into the classroom using lesson plans and activities simply through the use of online resources.
Q: What online resource would be most beneficial for Elementary level students and why?
A: A Walk in the Woods would be the most valuable resource to use in the classroom because it is simple for young kids to use and it teaches the students the basics of nature. The children are able to take a virtual tour of the woods and write down the things they encounter on the walk such as acorns, squirrels, mushrooms, etc.
Q: Do you think it is crucial to discuss environmental issues with children starting at a young age? If so, what grade level would be an appropriate level to begin?
A: Yes, I think it is important to start teaching children about environmental issues and how to preserve our planet at a young age. If we don’t start young, they won’t know how to help save the earth from pollution in the future. It can be as simple as recycling paper and glass bottles inside the classroom and at home or turning off the lights to save energy. It doesn’t need to be complex, but adding a few tips about the environment can be useful. An appropriate grade level to begin teaching about environmental issues would be Kindergarten.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Journal 8 NETS IV-V
Bogacz, R., & Gordillo, M.G. (2011). Should Schools Be Held Responsible For Cyberbullying?. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(6), 6-7.
The main concern of this article is should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying? Renee Bogacz agrees that schools are accountable for any tormenting that occurs on school grounds including cyberbullying. It is clear that it greatly effects the school environment; therefore teachers and administrators need to be aware of this issue. On the other hand, Miguel Gordillo believes that schools clearly cannot be held responsible for cyberbullying, considering the role of schools in our society. To prevent cyberbullying from happening in school, it is the guardian’s responsibility to teach their children that it is not tolerated. He mentions, “We need to remember that parents are the first educators of their children.” The schools power is limited because parents are the main mentors of the children. Schools need to institute communication with parents to supply resources for the students and keep them educated on certain topics. We need to build a bond between the parents and administrators of these institutions to guarantee a safe and violence free environment. A poll was taken to calculate the percentage of people who think schools should be held responsible for cyberbullying, and 70% said no. I believe that it isn’t the schools responsibility, but the teachers and administration need to inform the students on the topic to prevent cyberbullying occurring on campus. Schools can’t be held accountable for misconduct outside school grounds; as a result parents need to be aware of their children’s use of internet and mobile devices.
Q: What can educators do to prevent cyberbullying from happening in school?
A: First off, educators need to teach the consequences and concerns of cyberbullying and explain that it is hurtful and sometimes even destructive. They can create a community outreach program to educate those beyond the school walls to the dangers of cyberbulling. Lastly, educators need to teach students how to use technology to block communication with cyberbullies.
Q: What can students do to avoid involvement with cyberbullying?
A: To avoid involvement with cyberbullying, students can’t believe everything they read. One can’t be sure whom they are communicating with behind the computer. The internet can be a very dangerous place and children need to recognize the consequences that can occur. Students should never open messages from strangers. They need to delete the message immediately and inform an adult. Students should avoid posting personal information about themselves online. This is how cyberbullying can arise and progressively get worse.
Journal 6 NETS III-V
Warlick, D. (2009). Grow Your Personal Learning Network. Learning & Leading With Technology, 36(6), 12-16.
David Warlick addresses the value of using a Personal Learning Network to communicate with the world and share ideas with other educators. He goes above and beyond explaining the different types of PLNs and how they are beneficial for everyone. There are several Personal Learning Network tools such as, Diigo, Blogger, Skype, Twitter, wikis, and the list goes on. Before reading this article I did not know what a PLN was and what it is used for. I now discovered that my favorite PLN tool that I often use is Blogger and Skype. I recently studied abroad in Europe for six months and these tools worked effectively for communicating with my family and friends across the world. I was able to post updates about my travels on the blog and connect with people through skype. The best thing about using the PLN tools is it is all FREE! It is useful for all educators because they are able to learn and teach new techniques through the use of technology.
There are three types of PLNs: Synchronous, Semisynchronous, and Asynchronous connections. Synchronous is the customary network that comprises the people and places you confer with to ask questions and achieve goals. This includes using tools like Twitter, Skype, and instant messaging. Semisynchronous refers “to the idea that collaboration doesn’t have to happen in real time.” People can participate in chats and group discussion boards on their own time without a specific schedule. Tools that can be used to build this type of network include, facebook and Google Docs. Lastly, Asynchronous connects us with content sources. The main tool used is the RSS aggregator. Aggregators such as Diigo, a social bookmarking site that allows you to bookmark significant information and categorize the most valuable websites found.
Q: Do you think the use of PLNs would be beneficial to utilize in the classroom with Elementary level students? If so, name a few tools that would be successful in the classroom.
A: Yes, I believe it would be valuable for the students to determine a Personal Learning Network that would be effective for them. The best tool for Elementary level students would be blogger because the teacher could make it into a collaborative activity with the whole class.
Q: What are the benefits of creating a PLN?
A: There are several benefits once you create a PLN. It may seem like a difficult task at first to get organized, but it is a great way to communicate with other educators. You can share your ideas and also learn some new concepts along the way.
A: There are several benefits once you create a PLN. It may seem like a difficult task at first to get organized, but it is a great way to communicate with other educators. You can share your ideas and also learn some new concepts along the way.
CyberSafety Collaborative Site
This website is the result of a collaborative endeavor to create resources for educators regarding CyberSafety. We produced this website using Google Sites. The topics discussed are Inappropriate Content, Cyberbullying, Cyber Predators, Identity Safety, Piracy and Plagiarism, and Social Networks.
Click here to view the entire website
This website is the result of a collaborative endeavor to create resources for educators regarding CyberSafety. We produced this website using Google Sites. The topics discussed are Inappropriate Content, Cyberbullying, Cyber Predators, Identity Safety, Piracy and Plagiarism, and Social Networks.
Click here to view the entire website
Monday, May 2, 2011
iMovie PSA
I made this public service announcement video about CSUSM using iMovie software. To create a video that is fun and exciting, I added at least 10 clips of the campus, transitions, two facts about the school, and music of my choice.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Journal 4: "It's Time to Trust Teachers with the Internet: A conversation with Meg Ormiston"" (NETS I -V)
Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 1). It's time to trust teachers with the internet:: a conversation with Meg Ormiston. Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/Articles/2010/12/01/Its-Time-To-Trust-Teachers-with-the-Internet-A-Conversation-with-Meg-Ormiston.aspx?sc_lang=en&Page=1
This conversation with Meg Ormiston was about schools blocking certain websites, restricting students to learn above and beyond the usual curriculum. The administrators don't trust the teachers to teach lessons from the internet because they are afraid of exposure. It is important for the students to be taught what is appropriate and what isn't so when they use networking outside of the classroom they aren't abusing it. Even though the teachers would review the website prior to the lesson, the district still won't allow it. It mentioned, "If you're doing nothing but blocking all day long, teachers are going to give up using technology" (Schaffhauser, 2). Technology plays a major role in society today and if our schools keep restricting the use of internet then we are back to square one. No one benefits from the lack of technology; therefore networking should be available at a specific level. Supervision will be provided by the teachers because that is why they are here to teach. They are here to make a safe and comfortable environment for all students. Many parents are concerned with their children running into something on the internet that may harm them, but if they are educated about the internet then things like that won't happen as often.
Q #1: How can teachers make certain that unsupervised students will not abuse the use of the internet?
The best thing for the teacher to do is to teach students the consequences that can happen if you abuse the use of the internet. After educating them on how to network and the restrictions, then the teachers have to trust the students that they will obey the specific internet rules.
Q #2: What can teachers do in order for the administrators to trust them with the responsibility of the internet?
Teachers need to provide a proposal of the activity or lesson each week to the administrators and guide them step by step what the students will be searching for. Once the teachers present a basic foundation of the material the administrators will get a better understanding of what they will be doing. The teachers will also review the websites several times before presenting it to the class.
This conversation with Meg Ormiston was about schools blocking certain websites, restricting students to learn above and beyond the usual curriculum. The administrators don't trust the teachers to teach lessons from the internet because they are afraid of exposure. It is important for the students to be taught what is appropriate and what isn't so when they use networking outside of the classroom they aren't abusing it. Even though the teachers would review the website prior to the lesson, the district still won't allow it. It mentioned, "If you're doing nothing but blocking all day long, teachers are going to give up using technology" (Schaffhauser, 2). Technology plays a major role in society today and if our schools keep restricting the use of internet then we are back to square one. No one benefits from the lack of technology; therefore networking should be available at a specific level. Supervision will be provided by the teachers because that is why they are here to teach. They are here to make a safe and comfortable environment for all students. Many parents are concerned with their children running into something on the internet that may harm them, but if they are educated about the internet then things like that won't happen as often.
Q #1: How can teachers make certain that unsupervised students will not abuse the use of the internet?
The best thing for the teacher to do is to teach students the consequences that can happen if you abuse the use of the internet. After educating them on how to network and the restrictions, then the teachers have to trust the students that they will obey the specific internet rules.
Q #2: What can teachers do in order for the administrators to trust them with the responsibility of the internet?
Teachers need to provide a proposal of the activity or lesson each week to the administrators and guide them step by step what the students will be searching for. Once the teachers present a basic foundation of the material the administrators will get a better understanding of what they will be doing. The teachers will also review the websites several times before presenting it to the class.
Journal 3: 100 Things That Make Me Happy!
1. Lacey Smith (Best Friend)
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Pet dog Gracie
5. Los Angeles Lakers
6. Mexican Food
7. Sushi
8. Soccer
9. Hurdles
10. Traveling
11. Ocean
12. Beach
13. Sunsets
14. My BMW
15. Wine
16. Margaritas
17. High Heels
19. My Mac computer
20. My ipod
21. My iphone
22. Kids laughter
23. Exercising
24. Nordstrom’s
25. My Danish friend Azra
26. Sunglasses
27. Nature
28. The Hangover
29. Comedy Movies
30. Text messaging
31. Facebook
32. Surprises
33. Chai tea latte
34. Avocados
35. Rite Aid’s Mint Chip Ice cream
36. Chocolate soufflé
37. OPI nail polish
38. Leather Jackets
39. Messages
40. Cabo, Mexico
41. Manicures
42. Pedicures
43. Sleeping in
44. Cooking
45. Being silly
46. Watching Gossip Girl
47. Christmas
48. School
49. Teaching
50. Babysitting
51. Hiking
52. Taking bubble baths
53. Home-cooked meals
54. Dancing
55. Singing to the radio
56. Music
57. Florence + the Machine
58. Mumford and sons
59. FOOD
60. Bedtime
61. Good Grades
62. Giraffe’s
63. Sea World
64. Disney Land (Happiest Place on Earth!)
65. Bowling
66. Flowers
67. Laguna Beach
68. Concerts
69. Men
70. Christmas Markets
71. Europe
72. Birthdays
73. Jacuzzi’s
74. Gossip Magazines
75. Modern Family
76. Road Trips
77. Forever 21
78. Raising Hope
79. Hugs
80. Kisses
81. Playing Cards
82. Baking
83. Smoothies
84. In N Out Burger
85. Running
86. Mommy
87. Daddy
88. Clubbing
89. American Idol Auditions
90. The Biggest Loser
91. America’s Next Top Model
92. Make-up
93. Doing Hair
94. Jewelry
95. Laughing
96. Taking pictures
97. Getting my hair done
98. Yoga
99. Learning
100. Smiling
Journal 2: "Join the Flock" and "Enhance your Twitter Experience" (NETS II - IV)
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Libraries/Leading_and_Learning_Docs/June_July_2010_Join_the_Flock.sflb.ashx
Miller, S.M. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Leading and Learning With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Libraries/Leading_and_Learning_Docs/June_July_2010_Join_the_Flock.sflb.ashx

Q #1: Do you think twitter would be useful to integrate in a schools curriculum?
I think in general twitter is useful to communicate and collaborate with people, but would not be beneficial for students in a classroom. Blogging is a much better learning technique than twitter for the students. Although students are able to communicate, twitter is more helpful for adults in finding articles for teaching. I think there are several other tools that would be more practical to integrate in a schools curriculum than twitter.
Q #2: Are there any risks to making an account for Twitter?
For the most part twitter is safe, but there are certain risks if you don't take precautions. It is important to make your twitter account private and not post any revealing information that someone could take advantage of.
Journal 1: "Do Web 2.0 Right " (NETS I - V)
Light, D. (2011). Do web 2.0 right. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Libraries/Leading_and_Learning_Docs/February-2011-Do-Web-20-Right.sflb.ashx

It would be beneficial for elementary level students once they are able to learn the tools of blogging and master the frustrations of technology. In our world today kids are becoming technologically advanced at such a young age. I think it's better to start young or else they will never be able to understand the concept of technology. It will also be beneficial because they will learn how to communicate with their classmates and form their own ideas and opinions.
Q #2: When using Web 2.0 tools, can it have a negative effect on the students?
Yes, if the students aren't on task and not familiar with the tool they will not learn anything new. Some students may be distracted when using the internet and instead of learning the material they are on facebook or playing computer games. Since the students would be using the internet outside of the classroom they will not have teacher supervision. This may cause some students to get lazy or not even participate with the material they are assigned to.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Technology Self Assessment: School 2.0
I took this online assessment to establish an understanding of the NETS requirements.
I chose to investigate NETS-S 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity because I think it is very important for students to use their creativity in the classroom and also out in the real world. I believe that children express themselves through creativity and their own use of imagination. They are able to construct knowledge and develop inventive products, in which they learn to use outside of the classroom. The link that I chose to explore was very interesting and a great idea to connect with the world. It is called “Rock Our World”, which is an international collaboration. It connects students on every continent through collaborative global projects. As a team, students and teachers compose music, movies, and even live video chats with people all around the globe. Each season they have different challenges, including games with different subjects along with music and art. This is the perfect way to collaborate together to make something for everyone to share and learn effectively. Not only are these students learning something new each day, but they are also able to connect with people from different cultural backgrounds. After searching through this link I learned that Technology can be integrated in so many different ways and this method is especially efficient. It is not only fun for everyone to connect with each other, but they are also learning new techniques about technology by collaboratively working together.
I took this online assessment to establish an understanding of the NETS requirements.
I chose to investigate NETS-S 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity because I think it is very important for students to use their creativity in the classroom and also out in the real world. I believe that children express themselves through creativity and their own use of imagination. They are able to construct knowledge and develop inventive products, in which they learn to use outside of the classroom. The link that I chose to explore was very interesting and a great idea to connect with the world. It is called “Rock Our World”, which is an international collaboration. It connects students on every continent through collaborative global projects. As a team, students and teachers compose music, movies, and even live video chats with people all around the globe. Each season they have different challenges, including games with different subjects along with music and art. This is the perfect way to collaborate together to make something for everyone to share and learn effectively. Not only are these students learning something new each day, but they are also able to connect with people from different cultural backgrounds. After searching through this link I learned that Technology can be integrated in so many different ways and this method is especially efficient. It is not only fun for everyone to connect with each other, but they are also learning new techniques about technology by collaboratively working together.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Introducing Nikki Clark!!
My name is Nicole Clark, but I go by Nikki. I am 20 years old and a third year at San Marcos. I am from Laguna Beach, CA and lived in the same house until I was 18. I went to school with the same people since I was in Kindergarten so when it was time to go to college I was definitely ready! I loved growing up in such a beautiful town with great weather and hope to get a teaching job at the elementary school I attended. I recently studied abroad in Denmark for six months and realized that I belong in the sunshine. Although it was a great experience I could never live in the snow again. I’ve always been interested in sports both watching and playing. Growing up I played soccer and ran hurdles in High School. I broke my high school record in the 300 m hurdles. My family and I love the Los Angeles Lakers! We love to get together with our friends to watch the games. We are hoping for a Three-peat this year!! My passion for kids began at a young age around 13 years old when I started babysitting. Ever since then I always knew I wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher. Even though it may take me several years to finish college with a teaching credential I know it will all be worth it in the end.
I am not good with technology at all, but hope to learn a lot in this class so I cannot only help myself but also my family! I have a friend that is very good with technology so whenever I need help or have any problems I just go to him...problem solved! Instead of having to frequently ask for help I figure that it's finally time to learn about technology. The only thing that I kind of know how to use is my iphone and MacBook computer, but that's about it.
This is actually my first time reading the mission statement of the CSUSM/COE, but it wouldn't have discouraged me from applying to San Marcos. I have heard nothing but positive comments about the teaching program at CSUSM. After reading the mission statement I completely agree with it and will definitely use this along the way to becoming a teacher. I especially like the part that states, " to collaboratively transform public education". I believe it's all about teamwork and together we will all become great educators.
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